Friday, February 29, 2008

Survivor: Micronesia — Writer Mikey B. Erased From Game

The Malakal (favorites) tribe spent the day after the most heated Tribal Council yet this season, battling about last night’s vote. Cirie was upset with Ami that she had voted for her and then Jonathan got involved spurring another eruption between the two. That makes one wonder, why don’t they form the most unlikely alliance in the game? James and Ozzy were upset with their decision to take out Yau-Man instead of Eliza because of her weakness caused by an illness. James said that he’s all about keeping the strongest people and he was aggravated they listened to Cirie. Then around the fire, James was letting everybody know how he felt — Eliza too. She started standing her ground to kick off the best episode to date in this 16th season. Visit for everything Survivor!

Photograph courtesy of CBS.

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