Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Introducing the Cast of Big Brother 9

Reality TV fans have been eagerly awaiting the names of Big Brother’s largest cast to date. Today, thanks to the CBS Early Show, fans will wait no more! In this “season of firsts,” not only will it be the largest cast the show has ever known, but it will be the first-ever all-single cast. The twist in this season’s Brother will have each houseguest matched with his or her “soul mate.” Together, each couple will be reliant on one another to strategize, make decisions, act as Head of Household, be nominated for eviction, and leave the house together as a pair. The couples will be forced to sleep with one another in the same bed and will always be by one another’s side, whether the match is love…or hate. The 16 new houseguests to star in the first-ever Big Brother winter edition are... Visit to find out!

Photograph courtesy of Reality TV Magazine.

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